Offers & events to stay in Hotel Santa Caterina in Siena

Direct Booking Discount

Best price guaranteed: When you book directly with us, you will always get the best price! Exclusive special offers: You will find exclusive special offers available only on our official webs...

Dear Guests

WHAT IS DEAR GUESTS Dear Guests is the official channel of the museums managed by Opera Laboratori, here guests can purchase tickets to the best Italian museums, exhibitions and places of interest. O...

Constellations - Italian Art 1915-1960

The exhibition on the 20th century: Constellations - Italian Art 1915-1960 From the collections of Banca dei Paschi di Siena and Cesare Brandi scheduled at Santa Maria della Scala from 17 October unti...

Wine & Siena 2025

The tenth edition of Wine & Siena will take place at the Santa Maria della Scala museum complex in Siena, from 24 to 27 January 2025. With a single glass, you will have the opportunity to taste a...